Tag Archive | Rome

Day 33: Meeting Benedict on the train to Dublin

Rev. Paul Murphy, 29, is deacon of the Archdiocese of Armagh.  He will be ordained to the priesthood in June. When Cardinal Ratzinger was elected to the papacy I was an Art History student at Trinity College, Dublin. I had come across the Cardinal’s name in newspaper articles and knew precious little else about him. […]

Day 28: Fired Up!

Niall Leahy is a member of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) and is training for the priesthood. He is currently studying philosophy at Heythrop College, London, where he is also involved with the running of the weekly Pure in Heart meeting.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI must have had a strong sense of God’s love […]

Day 26: Lessons from a Gentle Teacher

Joe Hopkins is currently the Lay Catholic Chaplain at the University of Nottingham, soon to be the School Chaplain at Christ the King Catholic Voluntary Academy, Nottingham. Joe is very passionate about the importance of Chaplaincy in Education and working with young people. He is also proud Irishman… from Derby!  www.catholic-community.org.uk As I begin to write […]

Day 19: Finding the Truth

Thomas Starkie, 17, is a member of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. He belongs to the Manchester Ordinariate Mission, where he manages the website and plays the organ at Sunday Mass. I only vaguely remember the election of Pope Benedict XVI – I was nine at the time. We were staying with […]

Day 7: Not Your Average Pilgrim

Rachel Kidd, age 25, from Dundee in Scotland. Rachel works for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. She did a year with the Emmanuel School of Mission in Rome, and is the Scottish co-ordinator for Night Fever. When I was first asked to write a blog post about how Pope Benedict has influenced […]