Tag Archive | Reversion

Day 22: The Body of Christ

Dominic Cunliffe is a Youth Worker and Catechist at Holy Ghost Balham, South London and is currently studying for a Bachelor of Divinity with Maryvale Institute. He is also a prolific singer-songwriter and has recently released his debut single “You Sustain” which is available for download at http://dominicjames.bandcamp.com/track/you-sustain. You can also find him on Facebook. […]

Day 1: A Journey to Love

Lisette Carr is a French teacher, youth worker living in Dublin. She is currently studying for an MA in Marriage and Family at Maryvale Institute. She writes a blog about good things happening in the Catholic world at www.catholicismrocks.wordpress.com. With Collette, she is co-editrix of the GenerationBenedict blog. Shock and sadness swept through the worldwide Catholic community on Monday […]